07/21 NEWS: neoLASE developed a diode laser system with flexible laser intensity profiles
Within the MULTISPOT project neoLASE developed a diode laser system for welding applications with 9 individual controllable laser spots and up to 1kW of output power to control the intensity distribution within the laser focus. This enables to partially adapt the laser intensity to the welding geometry as well as to the material properties. Temperature differences within the welding area when generating radii should be reduced to a minimum. Using innovative beam guidance and beam shaping concepts, the radiation from the individual laser diodes are mapped in the processing plane in a way that a desired temperature field is generated within the joining zone. In addition to the welding of purely thermoplastic connections, the MULTISPOT consortium is looking at the joining of hybrid structures made of metal and plastic, which are of particular interest for the connection of plastic components in automobiles. The joint project MULTISPOT is a collaboration of four SMEs LMB Automation, neoLASE, PRIMES, Sill Optics, the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. and the two associated partners DILAS and Volkswagen AG.
Further Information’s:
The video shows the switching of different intensity profiles.
6. July 2021