11/17 neoLASE Amplifier operates European XFEL

The European XFEL (X-Ray Free-Electron Laser) produces x-ray flashes with intensities about a billion times higher than for commercial x-ray sources. This radiation allows the view into atomic details of cells or chemical reactions, a three dimensional view into the nano cosmos or the study of activites inside planets.

For the x-ray generation neoLASE developed a special amplifier system to scale the energy of ultra-short laser pulses in the infrared by more than 1000 times. Therefore a very compact amplifier system consisting of multiple amplifier modules produces a burst of up to 2700 pulses and an overall energy of more than 150 mJ. After frequency conversion into the UV the burst hits a target to produce electrons for the x-ray generation.

The 2016 installed amplifier system was integrated and completed by a seed laser and a frequency conversion both developed at DESY and operates the XFEL injector since 01.11.2017. “We are happy to support such interesting and distinguish projects with our amplifier modules”, commented neoLASE CEO Dr. Maik Frede.


Further Information:

“High energy ultrafast NIR / DUV burst-mode laser for the European XFEL electron injector”,Hongwei Chu, Lutz Winkelmann, Maik Frede, Ingmar Hartl, 30 January 2018 • 4:50 – 5:10 PM | Part of SPIE LASE



29. 6 月 2017

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